Passion for excellence
in safety is the core value of JAS
We are JAS
2018.01.31 Establishment of JAS
JAS is the world's leading integrated ground handling service provider, first launched as a comprehensive ground handling company for LCCs. We support stable airline operations by offering essential ground handling services such as aircraft fueling, baggage and cargo handling, pushback and towing, passenger assistance, and flight dispatching.
With a commitment to safe and efficient ground operations, we implement systematic and professional procedures to ensure a seamless travel experience for passengers and airlines alike.
JAS will continue to drive innovation and set new standards in aviation services, striving to be the most trusted partner for airlines worldwide.
Providing the highest standard of ground handling services to airlines with safety as
our top priority, ensuring stable and superior operational support.
Practicing customer
satisfaction with a
bright smile and
friendly service.
Delivering the highest
quality of ground handling
services to maximize
customer satisfaction.
Achieving mutual
growth with employees
through customer
Based on affection, respect for humanity, and technological excellence, we strive to contribute to society by fostering a prosperous and happy life. We are committed to corporate social responsibility and ethical principles to fulfill our fundamental role in society. Our Code of Ethics is established as follows, and we pledge to uphold these principles:
We are committed to ethical and efficient management practices that enhance corporate value and promote mutual growth with all stakeholders. By fulfilling our duties and responsibilities with integrity, we strive to become a trusted company. We respect all domestic and international market norms, uphold fair competition principles, and prioritize ethical and social responsibilities. Through diverse social contribution activities, we aim to play a meaningful role in national and societal development. To achieve this, we have established and actively implement our ethical management policies.
C.E.O : Chang, Woo Young
Add 1. 2F #4-24-07, 272, Gonghang-ro, Jung-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea
Add 2. #357-1,(International Cargo Terminal) 210, Haneul-gil, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea